Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


Out of the Loop

Well.. it's been a long time since I've sat down and blogged. Want to know why? Well, we moved. And... my husband and I decided it would be nice to have an internet free home. I know that sounds crazy..and I suppose it is in this technology driven world we live in. And I'll even admit I wasn't completly on board when he first proposed the idea, some months back now.

Luckily for him (haha) I was deep in the middle of reading, Created to Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl. This book was a huge eye opener for me and I was so moved and changed by reading the book~ even before I got to the last page. There was no way I was going to put up a stink about getting it turned back on when he had so plainly told me he felt God would not want us to have it in our home any longer. Of course, I did challenge him on it and told him how I felt (how could I LIVE without internet!!??) but I did it so without nagging and badgering him and when he again told me his wishes I left it at that.

Well, some many months later I am here (thru the power of wi-fi) to tell you I LOVE the internet not being in my home. Sure, there are things I miss.. like logging in on a whim and looking up something, buying cheap books from (hehe), and other misc. things but I can honestly tell you there are ways to do without it. I gained a lot of free time in the evenings which I filled with reading of God's Word and journaling, getting ahead on projects, and get this... READING BOOKS.. haha, I have picked up old books from my library and have started books that have never even been opened yet, lol..

I guess you could say I am a poor manager of time. There I said it, it's out there for everyone to know. As much as I love the internet, I didn't know how to manage it--plain and simple. Now, instead of rushing over to the computer to check my facebook after lunch I am cleaning up and having better conversations with my children. I'm not leaving the mess for later I am ahead and getting more done in the home!

I did feel cut off at first.. but the ones I care about most I can still talk to. And I haven't deleted anything so I can still check accounts if I go to the library or get wifi access somewhere. But let me share this with you: when I first checked my mail and went online while on vacation via wifi it took all of 10 minutes.. I didn't have the desire to surf the web and do all things I used to. The Lord will truly teach you to be content if you lean on Him for all your desires.. and if your in His will.

So, I hope to still blog here and there.. in the meantime please know where I am.. I am also trying to write at home and put together a small (SMALL) book of devotions for mothers to fill my hunger for writing..

Blessings to You!

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