Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


One of those weeks .....AND weekends

Hmmm you can probably guess already my week has been a little crazy! It's just simply been, one of those weeks! And it carried it's crazy self right into the weekend!

It's been one thing after another. Starting off Monday it was a prettty normal and typical week. Then as the days went one...things kept starting to get a little more stressful. I was hoping for a little relaxation this weekend but come Saturday, Elijah got sick and he's been on my hip in the sling ever since. He is such a good natured baby, he really is. Even when he is sick, bless his heart, he doesn't cry and whine. Just wants to be held. Just wants to snuggle and nurse. So, I try to comfort him best I can and give myself to him as he needs. Then, when he finally dozes I try to get everything else done around the house. Needless to say, our house is a mess!! :-P

Parenting--mothering means less of me--more of ....children!! (DUH!) Not just when they are sick, but when they're hyper, happy, sticky, giggly, squirmy, grumpy, and sad. Children grow quickly, they are ever changing and ever learning. I love that I do not have to send them away to a public or private institution where I would hardly get to see them throughout the day and miss the the little things they do and say!

The thought that crossed my mind this week and particularly this weekend when Eli got sick is I can thow a tantrum and cry and shout all I want too but having a pity party isn't going to accomplish anything or make anyone feel any better. The mother's attitude sets the tone for the home. Children observe closely and pick up a whole lot--even if you don't say a word.

Sure I've had a tough week. My house is messy, my hair is tangled, and my baby is feverish and teething. You don't envy me, I get it. But, I am right this moment counting my blessing once more again. And as I sacrifice little things throughout the 7 day week and my childrens growing up years, it's really is!! Mothering, as I have said before draws me to the Lord. Just like any saved believer, not only mothers--we are to shed the world and ourselves and draw closer to the Heavenly Father. We can never draw close to Him if we are filled with ourselves. I shed "myself" with each drippy nose I wipe, with each kiss I give away, and each time I take time to listen to my little ones.....I shed "myself" each time I teach a school lesson, vaccuum the carpet.....and even each time I serve and love my husband.

If you've had a hard week--Give it up to the LORD. And use it for His Glory!!


Ann@StringerMama said...

Oh Amen Amanda! It's been a toughie week here for me too and stress has been rampant and my life (and my house too!) is totally CRAZY! Thanks for the reminder of why we have these times! To totally draw us closer to HIM! :0)

Lisa said...

Hi Amanda! Yes, weeks can be tough... and we've had one here too. Hubby worked 75 hours and was gone the others... our freezer was broken for the entire week with a repair man in my house four out of the five week days... Baby is not sleeping well... etc... I can, all too well, relate to your feelings. Thank you for your sentiments. Mommyhood draws us closer to Christ, and for that we should be thankful. Blessings to you!

Sarah said...

Hey Amanda! Thanks for sharing this. You're right, it's important to give up our bad days/ weeks/ everything to the Lord!! And while I can't personally relate to motherhood bringing you closer to God, I look forward to the day when it's my turn to experience that as well. :)

Sarah beth said...

Thanks for sharing your words girl!! I can def relate to what you have said here! Its so important for us especially as mothers to give our tough moments, days and even weeks/wknds to the Lord! Its so much better then throwing a pity party and blaming everything and everyone~

I am so thankful for having my children home as well..all the moments in our day, I always think gosh I would miss all this if I didnt homeschool!!

When my children are sick, our home goes super messy too bc they love to snuggle with me..its nice bc it forces me to have a slow down day and just comfort my babies!!

love ya girl~ i needed this reminder!