Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


Only from the Mouth of Babes....

...that expression always rings true, doesn't it? Kids really do say the funniest stuff. Sometimes we know where it comes from and other times we have no idea!!

This Monday I'd like to remind you to listen carefully the next time your little one has a mouthful to say....I know my 3 and 5 year old always have something silly or amazingly adult-like to say on a regular basis. It serves for a cup of encouragment on those days that I am taking everything way too seriously!! The Lord always knows what we need and sometimes we shouldn't be too surprised if it's only our little one's voices, ready to tell us about something exciting!

Here are some "only from the mouth of babes" moments and sayings! Happy Monday!

My five-year-old daughter, Madeline, informed me that I wouldn't have to clean anything up on Mother's Day, then paused. I expected her to say she would clean up for me. Instead, she added, “You can clean it all up the next day!”

My husband and I encourage our three children to try new foods, and like most kids, they resist. On a recent visit to Grandma's house, I asked each of them to sample one of her pickled beets. Only nine-year-old Andrew was willing to try them. After he'd managed a tentative nibble, Grandma asked, “So, how is it?” Andrew diplomatically replied, “It would be good, Grandma, if I liked it!"

One dark night my four-year-old brother, Darren, watched a plane moving across a clear sky. As it disappeared, he heaved a relieved sigh and said: “Whew! I'm sure never gonna be a pilot!” Surprised, Mom asked, “Why not?” “Do you realize,” Darren replied wisely, “how hard it would be to steer around all those stars?”

My ten-year-old son phoned me at work to ask me to take him to a store when I got home. “Which store?” I asked. “Any store.” “What do you want to buy?” “It's a surprise,” he told me. It took a few more questions before he explained that his fortune cookie the night before predicted, “There will be a surprise in store for you.”

As always on Mondays I am proudly linked up with Sarah Beth @ His Loving Presence for Humor Mondays. You can too here


Sarah beth said...

Those stories were adorable!!! ;}

I had a moment like that today, I told my son I would be needing him to rake and he said are you going to pay me? {Something he has never asked for} I said maybe with a shake! ;) He then said, I am almost a man mom, I gotta get paid. LOL

LOVE IT! it wasnt bossy but just sweet and so boyish...
I love hearing their adorable!!!

Oh and love that pic of the boys!
thanks for linking up and always encouraging me!!!!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

I have gotten such a kick out of things my children have said. I actually heard one of my son's friends say that "Boys are more stubborn than girls". I had to ask him, if he said what he said. I told him he was quite smart. LOL! :)