Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


Be My Valentine Marriage Challenge Week 3

Week 3 is here...

Taken from Women Living Well Week 3 is described as this:

Pursue intimacy and place the intimate needs of your spouse above your own.

This can be done in countless ways. 

Always Kiss Me Goodnight Wall Art Print Sign FramedPhysically: With little ones running around the act of just touching your spouse can get forgottten about. Don't forget to give your husband a cheerful kiss when he walks in the door, wakes up in the morning, and when you go to bed!! This is a sign that is over our bed: gives me a little reminder, although my hubby doesn't usually forget ;-)

Also, don't forget to hug! I guess that can sound a little silly but hugging our husbands can actually convey a message to him without even saying the words. A longing embrace can say I love you, I miss you, I want you, and I need you.

Don't forget to hold hands too, it's not just for cheesy in love teenagers. It is always refreshing when out to see an older aged couple holding hands, gazing at eachother fondly or maybe in our case pushing the stroller along in a store, his hand over mine. <3

Try holding eye contact with your husband. Over a good home cooked meal hold his gaze and smile sincerely. Sounds goofy but when our hearts are really filled with earnest love our eyes will shine and radiate affection, too.

Of course, intimacy in other areas is something else we must strive to do with a willing heart and also with a joyful heart and spirit. Take time to make the bed, clean clutter on the night stands and dressers, and create a atmosphere where you both can unwind and enjoy eachother! :-)

I know there are loads of other ideas out there. I hope to run across more and try them out!

Check out Be My Valentine Marriage Challenge at


Sarah beth said...

We have that sign too, but its one of those vinyl ones!! :)

Your right about the hugs, I love long hugs esp after my husband has been at work all day. Holding hands is a must too, Its a way to be close throughout the day!

Loved all your reminders here! Clean and tidy bedroom is a great tip!

Traci Michele said...

I have that above my bed :-) The saying.

My hubby said he heard on the christian radio station that a good kiss should share some saliva! Love, Traci @ Ordinary Inspirations

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

Great ideas! :) Love the sign!