Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


Weekend Wrap Up!

The best thing that happened to me this week was when Chad Jr got saved!! PRAISE the LORD!

The worst thing that happened to me this week was get some un expected, frustrating news from our builders.
The funniest thing I saw/heard/did this week was probably when my hubby and I recieved a halarious voice mail from someone. It was so funny we played it over and over and saved it. We probably will play it when we get down or need a laugh. It was that funny. :-)

The craziest thing I saw/heard/did this week was hear that Rick Warren is pairing up with secular doctors in his church that believe in eastern relgious views, etc. I heard this on the radio and read the article on WND.
Here's the link Rick Warren hosts 'cults' celeb docs

The thing I was most thankful for this week is the Lords hand on us as we search for a new church home. He has been so good to us revealing where He wants us to go--quite possibly, and opening our eyes that our leaving our old church of 8 years is quite the best thing we have done in a long time. We were super hurt but God replaced our saddness with much joy! God is good, all the time!

I got this Weekend Wrap Up from: Click Here to Join Weekend Wrap Up

1 comment:

Sarah beth said...

Amanda~ Love this weekend wrap up! Wow, Chad jr is saved, how proud you must be! Its such an amazing moment :) :)

Cant wait to hear more about how God is working with you with church.. you are so right, HE is good, ALL the time!!!

Intresting about that pastor.. geesh..

this was FUN to read!!!!!