Motherhood~There is no more demanding work in all the world, no more awe-inspiring job description than raising godly seed. It will challenge all the genius, talent and grace that any human being could possess… It is the highest calling any woman can enter. ~Walter J. Chantry


Be My Valentine Marriage Challenge Week 2

Yay! Week One for Be My Valentine Marriage Challenge has come and ended already! Of course, I am not giving up on the things I resolved to do for my sweetheart but am still excited to move ahead with Week Two!

Here is what Courtney is challenging we do--be a little more creative with your praise. I am all on board with that. Courtney suggested some great ways to praise our husbands in a unique and fun way...

They made me start thinking how I could customize these suggestions, if you will, for my very own special hubby.

First, let me pause to say I am so proud of my hubby. He has such a passion and zeal for the Lord. He is always busy and moving for God. He really never stops. He has a heart for children and has a bus route that he picks up children and teens that have no ride to church. He dedicates a lot of time to this ministry but loves every single minute of it. To show him how much I admire him in this particular area of his life I am going to frame his picture with our boys in a wooden bus frame I have and present it to him...for being such a stellar bus driving, soul winning, awesome man. He can put it on the dash of his bus! :-)

I am also going to leave some little notes around the house to surpise him, make his favorite meal, give him a massage without him having to ask (LOL) and dedicate special time to help him study for his classes, like he has been asking me to do.

I love my hubby~

You can find more out about this Valentines Day Challenge at: Women Living Well


Sarah beth said...

LOVE the bus frame, he will LOVE that!! Great ideas esp giving him a massage, before he asks lol

Have a great week showering your hubby with LOVE..sounds like it will be!

Sherry @ Lamp Unto My Feet said...

What a cool idea for the bus frame! :) Praise God for such wonderful service of your husband! My daughter is serving in our bus ministry and loves it!